Is this a sign of mental illness or is it the bondage of our karma? Saturn’s influence over Moon will bring mental stagnation. The mind will keep hovering over specific memories (mostly about failures). This preoccupation will dampen the native's motivation and will cause a lack of interest in his job. But, as you have…
Pitru Paksha 2022
Pitru Paksha 2022 is starting from 10th September 2022. In Hinduism, sixteen days of the year are dedicated to one's ancestors or ancestors, which is called Pitru Paksha or Shradh Paksha. According to Hindu calendar, Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is celebrated as Pitru Paksha and Pitru Paksha starts from the end…

This time Diwali is something special because there is going to be a solar eclipse on the new moon day

This year, on the day of Janmashtami, Vriddhi Yoga is happening. It is believed that worshiping in Vriddhi Yoga brings happiness and prosperity. Along with this one gets the blessings of Shri Krishna and Maa Lakshmi.

The presence of Moon Scorpio and Ascendant Gemini always inspires them for amazing success. Due to this yoga, they seize the opportunity with time.

According to Astroyes”s astrologer, Rakhi can be tied from 8:25 on the night of August 11 to 7:16 in the morning of August 12.

I attempted over and over to completely breathe in yet my breath was trapped toward the rear of my throat. Air wasn’t coming to my lungs.

Mercury is our mind our thought prosses Without mercury no focus…