diwali dhanteras shubh muhurat 2022 - Astroyes
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Like every time, this time Diwali will not be.

This time Diwali is something special because there is going to be a solar eclipse on the new moon day, so this time you will see big changes in the program of Deepawali, so let’s clear our confusion and understand on which day we should celebrate Deepawali and on which day Shubh Laxmi ji should be worshipped

 Friends, a special thing will happen this year that, this year the time of Krishna Paksha of Kartik will be 16 days instead of 15 Tithi and it will increase by one date and this date will be of Saptami.

Why should work be done in auspicious time?

 Friends, the work done at any auspicious time is more fruitful than the work done at any time, so the Muhurta has special significance, whether it is for buying a house, entering the house, marriage or otherwise. If we are going to do any auspicious worship, then Muhurta has special significance for that too.

 Similarly, Diwali is also an auspicious worship, so Muhurta has special significance in this worship.

series of festivals

Friends, let’s talk about the auspicious time of Deepawali.

 Friends, when we talk about Deepawali, Diwali is not a single festival, but it is a series of festivals because many more festivals are also associated with it, now if we talk about Diwali 2022, then it starts with Dhanteras which is This year will end on 22 October 2022, after that Hanuman Jayanti and Narka Chaturdashi will be celebrated on the very next day and the next day there will be a program of Deepawali, after that there will be a program of Govardhan Puja and Annakoot Puja and then the next day will be the program of Bhai Dooj.


Dhanteras 2022

Let’s start with Dhanteras, this five-day program starts with Dhanteras, then in 2022, the festival of Dhanteras will start from 4:33 pm on 22nd October 2022 and after this time there is a provision for worship of Dhanvantari Devi. Light a four-lit lamp outside your house and bow to Yamdev and donate a lamp to him, then it will bring happiness in your house and disease will go away from the house.



Real meaning of dhanteras

In fact, people have understood the meaning of Dhanteras in a slightly wrong way and started seeing the meaning of Dhanteras associated with wealth, whereas its real meaning is to get the blessings of Mother Dhanvantari Devi. A healthy person can lead a happy life if you are not healthy. If there is a problem in your health, then you can never get happiness, you cannot experience happiness, so you must get the blessings of Goddess Dhanvantari, so on Dhanteras, you must meditate on them and that is why there is also a provision of lighting Yama lamps. Talking about Nakshatra on this day, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will start from 1:30 and the program of Dhanteras will be completed in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra only.

Naraka Chaturdashi and Hanuman Jayanti 2022

 Friends, if we talk about the next day, then Naraka Chaturdashi will be celebrated on 23 October 2022 and if we talk about its auspicious time, then the time for lighting the lamp will start from 5:04 onwards, now after sunset you must light the lamp. And if you donate a 4-light lamp in the evening to Yamraj, it will open the way to bring prosperity to your home. On this day Hanuman ji’s birth anniversary will also be celebrated.

Govardhan puja 2022

 Talking about Govardhan Puja, this time due to solar eclipse, Govardhan Puja will be celebrated on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, this day will be the Pratipada date of Kartik Shukla Paksha, the end of the date will be at 3: 35 minutes, so before this Govardhan Puja and Annakoot Puja Should be completed after that the second date will start


 The second date will end on October 27, 2022 at 2:12 pm, so the program of Bhai Dooj should be done before this, if we talk about the constellation, then Visakha will be a constellation.

Bhai Dooj and Dawat Puja and Yama Puja 2022

The program of Bhai Dooj will be celebrated on Thursday, 27 October 2022 will also have a day, so all your worship will be completed on a particular date.

Dev Deepawali 2022

Friends, now let’s talk about Dev Deepawali and when we should worship Lakshmi Ganesh.

 So let’s take a look at the calendar for that day.

 Sun rise will be at 6:22 pm and sunset will be at 5:38 pm

 There will be a program of Deepawali on 24th October 2022 and there is also a provision of Kali Puja on the same day.


 On this day the fourteenth date will end at 5:04 pm and the Hasta Nakshatra will be till 3:18 i.e. the program of Deepawali will be completed in Chitra Nakshatra.

 Viskumbh Yoga and Chatushpada Karana will happen

 Vrishabha period and Pradosh period

If we talk about the auspicious time of Lakshmi Puja, then Pradosh Kaal is the most auspicious time and if we talk about the time of Pradosh Kaal, then 5:38 to 8:10 will be the best time for worship. If worship is done during this time, then Lakshmi ji will be stable in your house and all of you will get the blessings of Ganesh ji.

 If we talk about Vrishabha period, then Vrishabha lagna will start from 6:42 and Vrishabha lagna will remain till 8:35 and it is believed that if Lakshmi Ganesh ji is worshiped in Vrishabha lagna, then Lakshmi ji will always be the permanent residence of your establishment. I will remain in your house or in your lovers and you will always get the blessings of Ganesh ji, with his blessings your planning, your intellect will always work.

Friends, hope today’s article will be useful to you.

thank you

Note – All calculation are take from Prayagraj U.P.



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