What is your name ? Is your name Lucky?
The type of combination of your date of birth; That is, your date of birth, month, and year are calculated to find your life path number (destiny number). And if this number matches with the number of your name, then your name will be auspicious for you. And if this number is the enemy number of your name, then it will work to bring many problems in your life.
When do you need to change the name through numerology?
If your name number is not compatible with your life path number and does not match with it then now you need to do name correction. Numerologists suggest name correction according to numerology. Keep in mind that the name correction has been mentioned here, it does not mean that you need to change the name. Sometimes people lead a happy and successful life even though these two numbers are not compatible. In this case, they have strong compatibility with other numbers. Both the numbers support each other and not the opposition, so your life is happy.
Change in your name is suggested for those people who face lot of struggle, loss in business, unsuccessful marriage, failure in career and other problems. So, if you are facing any particular problems in your life and they are consistent, nothing is improving for a long time; So you should contact a numerologist for name correction.Below you are being given a chart for name correction, through which you can improve your name on your own or you can take the help of Astroyes.
Alphabets | Number | Alphabets | Number |
A,I,J,Q,Y | 1 | E,H,N,X | 5 |
B,K,R | 2 | U, V, W | 6 |
C,G,L,S | 3 | O, Z | 7 |
D,M,T | 4 | F, P | 8 |
Now how will your new name bring success to you?
You have to write your name with new pen 21 000 times in a register in 21 days.
This new name will now be your identity, so try to add your new name on all important documents as far as possible.
Get your visiting cards redesigned with a new name.
Change the spelling of your name to the new name on all your social media channels.
Replace with the new name on your home name plate.
In short, the more you can update with the new name, the more you will benefit and see great results very soon.